We are pleased to announce the latest Black Friday special offer to all new users who sign up for the Unblock-Us SmartDNS service. For a limited time, you can try out Unblock-Us for just 99 cents for the first month of service. This means if you sign up for a month, it will cost you just 99 cents. This is a great deal to introduce you to one of the top SmartDNS services in the industry. This deal is valid through Cyber Monday, December 1, 2015. Sign up for their service and you could be watching your favorite movies, TV shows and original content from Netflix, Hulu, BBC iPLayer and many other streaming media providers from anywhere in the world.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with SmartDNS and how it works, it is really pretty easy to understand. Basically, every address on the Internet has an IP associated with its physical location. Many streaming media providers like Netflix use these IP addresses to determine who is eligible to receive their content. These geo-restrictions exists because of copyright and licensing agreements between them and local content providers in other regions. Generally, this means that all countries outside of their distribution country are geo-blocked by IP address. A SmartDNS allows you to bypass these geo-blocks by intercepting your request to a service like Netflix and supplying it an IP address that is not geo-blocked, thus Netflix thinks you are in a country that has access to its content. Once this opening handshake is complete, all content from the service is sent directly to your machine for as long as you remain connected to the service. This allows you to access all streaming content from the service at your full Internet speed.
Unblock-Us is one of the top SmartDNS services in the industry. Their service provides its users with access with channels to live events, video on demand, TV shows, kids programming, music, and sports from all over the world. In addition to content libraries from 25 countries of Netflix, live events which change seasonally currently include Major League Baseball, Major League Soccer, and the Nation Rugby League. Unblock not only gives you a searchable list of the channels that it unblocks, but also the devices that can stream it and useful notes that can help you connect to the provider. They support many channels, a large variety of devices, and nearly all platforms. Additionally, they have well written guides for using their service with all of these.
So, take advantage of their current deal and sign up for a month of their service for just 99 cents. After experiencing all of the new movies, TV shows, and original content that you will now be able to access, we think you will be glad you did. What’s more you can watch all of this content from anywhere in the world.